03/2007 – 04/2009 Postdoc on BEC 1 working on dark-gound imaging
Olivier did his PhD in the COMETA group at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers in Paris, where he is studying BEC’s in RF-traps. After this he went to India to join for three months the Fundamental Interactions Lab of Dr. Unnikrishnan in Mumbai where he has managed to take part in the first BEC of India.
After leaving our group in April 2009, Olivier spend the summer in Brasil, working in the team of Vanderlei Bagnato on a project of photonic molecules in a MOT and exploring the new world.
Olivier stayed with us from March 2007 – April 2009 working on dark-gound imaging.
Olivier is now a Maître de Conférences (lecturer) at the Université de Provence in Marseille, where he works in the team of Martina Knoop and Françoise Vedel on the development of cold ions experiments. He is setting up a miniture atom clock using a single Ca+ ion.
05/2011 to 05/2016 Lecturer at the Université de Provence in Marseille
- 05/2009 to 08/2009 Postdoc with the Cretan Matter Waves
- 05/2007 to 04/2009 Marie Curie Postdoc
- 06/2006 to 09/2006 PostDoc researcher in the Fundamental Interactions Lab of Dr. Unnikrishnan in Mumbai
- 09/2003 to 05/2006 PhD student in the group of Hélène PERRIN and Vincent LORENT at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Villetaneuse, France).
- 09/2000 to 05/2003 Undergraduate student at the Institut d’Optique Graduated School (Orsay, France).