Nature 570 205–209 (2019)
S. Pandey, H. Mas, G. Drougakis, P. Thekkeppatt, V. Bolpasi, G. Vasilakis, K. Poulios, and W. von Klitzing
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1273-5

Cretan Matter Waves Group
Nature 570 205–209 (2019)
S. Pandey, H. Mas, G. Drougakis, P. Thekkeppatt, V. Bolpasi, G. Vasilakis, K. Poulios, and W. von Klitzing
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1273-5
Our article on Hypersonic Bose–Einstein condensates in accelerator rings has just been published in Nature! Congratulations to all the authors.