Category Archives: Active Group Member

Giorgos Vasilakis

01/2020 – today Research group leader at IESL-FORTH
06/2016 – 06/2018 Marie Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellow on BEC
02/2016 – 05/2016 Visiting Scientist

Before joining us Georgos was…

2012 – 2016 PostDoc at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Georgo was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Quantop Group of Eugene S. Polzik at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. He was working on Experimental quantum optics / Light-atom quantum interface.

2006 – 2011 PhD at Princeton University, NJ under the supervision of Michael V. Romalis. The topic of his PhD thesis was: “Precision Measurements of Spin Interactions with High Density Atomic Vapors”

2003-2006 Master at Princeton University

2002-2003 Graduate program in Optoelectronics and Microelectronics, University of Crete

1997-2002 B.S. in Physics University of Crete

Dimitrios Papazoglou

06/2010 – today Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Crete

Dimitris is involved in everything optical in the BEC group.

Scientific interests

  1. Nonlinear interactions of ultra-short laser pulses with transparent media
  2. Exotic optical waves and light bullets
  3. Wavefront sensing and manipulation
  4. Laser microfabrication (in bulk structuring of dielectrics, micro-mechanics,
    diffractive surface structures).
  5. Dynamic holography, photorefractive materials

Wolf von Klitzing

2005 – now: Head of Group

2020-now Group Leader of the Space Optics Group at IESL-FORTH
2005-now Group Leader of the BEC and Matterwaves Group
2020-2022 Head of the Scientific Council of IESL-FORTH
2006-2010 Marie-Curie Excellence Group Leader
2000-2004 Post-doctoral Fellow with Prof. Walraven at the Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) and the Van der Waals Zeemann Institute of the University of Amsterdam
1999-2000 Marie Curie post-doctoral Fellow in the group of Prof. De Martini, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Italy
1996 – 1999 Marie Curie Postoc at the ENS with Serge Haroche
1992 – 1996 PhD Student at Cavendish Laboratory of the Cambridge University
